How Taylor Swift is Impacting the Housing Market

Taylor Swift is not only a powerhouse in the music industry but also a significant cultural influencer whose impact resonates far beyond the stage. Her Eras Tour, which has grossed a record-breaking $1 billion to date, has delighted fans worldwide and significantly impacted the economies of the cities that hosted her performances, including the housing…

Top 5 Benefits of Downsizing Your Home After the Kids Move Out

As your kids grow up and start their own lives, you might find yourself at a crossroads. If you’re a Canadian Baby Boomer, born between 1946 and 1964, now could be the perfect time to think about whether to stay in your current home or move to a smaller place that’s easier to manage. The…

Boosting Your Home’s Curb Appeal for a Summer Sale

The way your home looks from the street—including the landscaping, paintwork, and overall vibe—signals to potential buyers what they might find inside. If the exterior looks neglected or outdated, buyers might not bother to check out the inside, even if it’s beautifully updated. A well-maintained exterior not only invites buyers to look further but also…

Want to Buy a Cottage? Here’s What to Keep in Mind

When you’re admiring a marshmallow roasted to gooey perfection in front of a crackling campfire or sitting on a dock in the thralls of yet another firey orange sunset, it’s easy to wonder why you shouldn’t buy a cottage of your own, so you can fill up your memory with more of the joyous moments…

The Top 5 Features to Look for In Your Next Home

Diving into the hunt for a new home can be a bit daunting. Buying a house is a big deal—not only does it come with a hefty price tag, but it’s also a decision you’ll live with for a long time. You definitely want to end up feeling happy with your choice. Picking out a…

The Pros and Cons of Keeping Your First Home as a Rental Property

Whether you are increasing your family size or desiring to flee the city, there are many reasons why households typically uproot their households. But this also leads to another interesting question: What should you do with your current home? For some, the answer is simple: sell it and move on. For others, households might want…

What Empty Nesters Should Look for in Their Next Home

So, you’ve reached that point where the kids have all grown up and moved out, and you’re finding yourself with a bit more space and freedom than before. It’s quite a milestone, isn’t it? Many folks in your shoes start thinking about what’s next and how to make the most of this new chapter. You’re…

The Hidden Costs of Selling Your Home: What You Need to Know Before Putting Your Home on the Market

The mortgage market is expected to have reached its peak. A chorus of economists, industry experts, and market watchers believe that the Bank of Canada (BoC) will cut interest rates this year, allowing the conventional five-year fixed-rate mortgage to ease toward four percent, down from the six percent the Canadian economy has witnessed in the…

Ottawa Commercial Real Estate Market Experiences Stable Q1, Growth in Q2

2024 Ottawa Commercial Real Estate Trends While stability characterized first-quarter activity in the Ottawa commercial real estate market this year, improvement has been noted in the second quarter as investor appetite for commercial properties grows, according to the RE/MAX 2024 Commercial Real Estate Report. Industrial continues to be the city’s top-performing asset class, with demand…

Halifax Commercial Real Estate Propelled by Interprovincial, Foreign Investors

2024 Halifax Commercial Real Estate Trends Interprovincial and foreign investors continue to play a substantial role in the Halifax commercial real estate market, sparking demand for the city’s industrial, multi-family, retail and to a lesser extent, office properties in the first quarter of the year, according to the RE/MAX 2024 Commercial Real Estate Report. The…